Friday, March 4, 2011

some people

<exhale>  wow... walking my mind through those events is harder than i thought.  in the moment it was all about what to do, what the doctors had to say, how to help E... i was just existing in auto-pilot.  now, slowly and purposefully traveling through those moments wears on my soul.

so tonight i'll break and introduce the business behind this blog.  yes, unfortunately there is business to attend to.

as mentioned previously, chuck dropped an amazing offer on the christmas dinner table.  if eric's walking by christmas 2011 we will be celebrating it in hawaii.  why hawaii?  chuck and i spent our honeymoon there, and were so captivated by the aloha spirit we went back on our 2 year anniversary.  we've wanted nothing more than to share our amazing experiences with anyone able and willing to make the long trip there.  every day it's looking a little more probable that i'll be seeing christmas lights on palm trees instead of pine trees.  with that possibility, we've got to start figuring out how we're going to make this happen.  it will happen regardless of what money we save because a promise is a promise.  if E holds up his end of the bargain, we'll be holding up ours. 

how does that lead us here?  in one of my usual crazy, random, conversations with my friend Kris, i went from trying to find a way to purchase a half million dollar fortress on wheels to survive an apocolyptic zombie attack... to conjuring up a fundraising plan based on social media. 

i'm banking on several aspects of humanity to come through for me:
1. curiosity - some people can't help themselves... who doesn't want to see what happens if they give one or two measly dollars to a stranger?  they might just become a part of the next hot story on the internet.
2. compassion - some people still have it.  some people are sitting at home right now with their healthy children, with a dollar or two they found in the couch cushions earlier this week, thinking how they can't imagine what we went through
3. generosity - some people just love to give... some people have a lot more than others and recognize their blessings... and then have a desire to share it
4. bond of commonality - some people have loved ones taken by violent crimes... some people have suffered through the moments of uncertainty in the wake of a tragic event... some people have watched a son or a daughter work so hard to gain back something ripped away from them... working to do something they've done effortlessly since they were toddlers... something taken for granted for most of their lives

so here i am counting on some people to help me... one, two, three dollars at a time... E's going to walk again... absolutely he will walk again... it's just a matter of time and determination... we're trying to give him something to focus on every time he struggles to get in and out of his wheelchair... every time he straps on leg braces and pulls himself upright with a walker... with every step we want him knowing he's working towards a once in a lifetime trip with two people who love him more than anything

500 strangers donating $2... and we're $1000 closer to not maxing out our credit cards to keep our promise... think of all the things we waste money on everyday... do you have to have the $6 super vende double espresso no fat caramel macchiato with light whipped cream today?

mmmmmm... caramel macchiato :)  ok... maybe you do... but there has to be something some people can give up for one day.........

so that leads us to the world wide web, or as i like to call it... the interweb... where you can log on to and give a dollar or three to without so much as leaving your comfy lazy boy recliner with heat and massage

are you curious?  are you compassionate?  are you generous?  are you relating to me because of our commonalities?  are you some people... if you are, you can help...

1 comment:

  1. i have lots of ideas swirling in my head on getting the word out...
