Once you get past the amazing prospect of bacon that can last up to 10 years... you'll find a blurb about what has to be the baddest ride on the planet! It's called the Knight XV... and I recommend you click on the link in the article to the company's website. So... as Kris and I were discussing each of our emergency 'shit and git' plans... we were trying to figure out how someone could finance one of these tanks on tires. Duh... you sell the seats via Ebay or Craigslist. Sell the available space in the vehicle to the highest bidders, along with a contractual obligation to pick them up on Doomsday!
Now you may be asking where boob jobs fit into all of this. Silly, it's simple! Every day, needy women, suffering through life flat-chested, are receiving life-saving breast augmentations at no cost to themselves!!!! How you ask?! The kindness of strangers (i.e. pervy men), who are donating anywhere from a dollar up to thousands of dollars. Don't believe me... just google "boob job donations" and you'll find tons of sites with happy testimonials.
I was dumbfounded by this phenomenon! People just give you money over Paypal if you ask for it? For things like boobs!? What the heck... that's awesome... we should so get an armored SUV!!!! :)
Of course... by the end of the day the idea had grown on me in a serious context. What if I could use a blog to talk about my family's story and along the way raise some money for Eric's trip to Hawaii? It seemed feasible. If women can get boob jobs from strangers, I should be able to get a plane ticket, right?
That is the story of my brain child's conception. However, as I'm sure you've seen, it didn't quite take on the life I thought it would. I quickly learned that Twitter was something I loathed and the time I thought I'd have to write on a regular basis just didn't exist. Before I knew it, it was August and we were starting on a course that would lead us to sell all of our belongings and take off to Hawaii. My efforts didn't match my imagination by a long shot. So now the focus is just to continue sharing our stories. If along the way I find a few bucks in my Paypal account from some random person who stumbled onto my blog, that'll just be a nice bonus to help fund Eric's trip to Hawaii.
16 days until Eric WALKS down the steps of the plane to the Kona runway... we can't wait!!!

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